

902 Uppsatser om Interorganizational collaboration - Sida 1 av 61

Interorganisatorisk ekonomistyrning i nära relationer : En fallstudie av relationen mellan ett stort köpande företag och två av dess viktigaste samarbetspartners

Title: Interorganizational accounting in close relations ? A case study of the relation between a big purchasing company and two of their most important cooperation partners Course: Master thesis in Business and Administration within Accounting, 30 ECTS Advisor: Gun Abrahamsson Theoretical framework: This thesis uses theories of business relationships, management information systems and interorganizational accounting. Conclusions: Despite a difference in the relations the interorganizational accounting is designed and used in a similar way. The interorganizational accounting that exists in the two relations has a medium scope, fast timeline, high aggregation and high integration. The information is mainly used for attention directing and for decision making.

Organisatoriska mellanrum - En övergripande förklaring till ägarlägenhetens dåliga genomslag?

In year 2009, a new housing form (here referred to as "owned apartments", in Swedish called "ägarlägenheter") was introduced in Sweden. Owned apartments are in many countries the dominating form of housing tenure, but in Stockholm, to where this thesis is delimited, only four have been established in four years. There are many possible reasons for this low establishment, but the thesis writers believe the main reason to be that the owned apartment is situated in an organizational gap. With the hypothesis that the owned apartment is situated in an organizational gap and that there are opportunities to overcome this gap through Interorganizational collaboration of the players on the market, this thesis strives towards examining if this is the case.By using Burt's theory of structural holes the concept of organizational gaps are elaborated to fit this context, since this area is previously unexplored.The data has mainly been gathered through in-depth interviews but also through secondary sources such as previous theses and newspaper articles. It has appeared that the majority of the central players are characterized by conservatism.

Samverkan- gemensamma mål med omsorgstagaren i fokus : En kvalitativ studie om samverkan mellan biståndshandläggare och enhetschefer i äldreomsorgen

The study is about the collaboration between assistance administrators and unit managers. The aim of the study was to understand the assistance administrators and unit managers interpretation of the concept of collaboration, as well as their experience of collaboration in the practical work in elderly care in the common work around care recipients in the evaluation and execution of home help services. The analyse of the interview material was conducted by using collaboration and New Public Management (NPM). We used the qualitative method in our study with semi-structured questions. The interviews were transcribed, coded and thematised based on our questions. When interpreting the interviews we used the hermeneutic circle in which we analyzed the study's various parts and then attached them to the collaboration, NPM and also to earlier research and to each other. The conclusions that emerged raises the important factors for collaboration and could be linked to collaboration, NPM and previous research.

Riskkapital i svensk fotboll: En fallstudie om kontroll, tillit och förtroende

The aim of this paper is to examine how confidence in co-operative behaviour of partner is reached in a relationship between an entrepreneur and a venture capitalist. A case study has been conducted on a Swedish football club that has involved venture capital in order to develop the organization. The paper presents a theoretical approach which draws on a control model of interorganizational relationships developed by Dekker (2004) and a model developed by Shepherd & Zacharakis (2001) illustrating how control, trust and confidence is reached in a venture capitalist-entrepreneur relationship. The relationship between the football club and the venture capitalist can simultaneously be seen as an interorganizational relationship and a relationship between an entrepreneur and a venture capitalist. Because of the complexity of the relationship, different control problems prevail.

Hinder eller möjligheter? ? En studie av socialsekreterares och skolpersonals erfarenheter av samverkan

AbstractObstacles or opportunities? ? A study of the experience of collaboration of social welfare secretaries and school staff.The purpose of this study is to illustrate the importance of the work with children and youth through the joint efforts between different authorities. The study deals with the collaboration between the social services and schools in the Ludvika municipality. The objective of the study is to investigate how teaching personnel and headmasters in compulsory schools and the social welfare secretaries in Ludvika, experience the collaboration, and how this works. On the basis of the objective, we have formulated some relevant questions; To what degree are schools aware of the model of collaboration, which is the basis for collaboration within the municipality, and are there any differences in awareness between different categories of employees? Other questions deal with differences in how the social services and schools experience the collaboration, discrepancies between different schools in this regard and if the respondents? experience any obstacles and/or opportunities by the collaboration.Collaboration is, and has been, a pressing issue for a long time in the public debate.

Ett samarbete om samarbete

The following is an explorative work on various forms of collaboration. The core of our exploration revolves around the idea of co-operation as a tool for examination, a collective working method, the input/output within creative practices as well as a phenomena in its own right? It is however not ?simply? about collaboration, but rather places as much focus on a highly personal search for new working methods, new approaches towards research and on the development of our relationship to graphic design. From beginning to end, the entire project has become a work whereby the term ?we? has been more important than ?me? ? a well-functioning project with a common purpose: a collaboration, between us..

?Man vill ju så mycket men man hinner inte? : folkbibliotekariers och personer engagerade i idrottsföreningars uppfattningar om möjligheten till samarbete dem emellan gällande barn och ungdom

The purpose of this bachelor?s thesis is to examine how public librarians and people engaged in sports associations think of the possibility of collaboration between their organizations regarding children and youth and furthermore how they think this collaboration and collaboration in general would or should be practiced. This is done in the light of the increasing necessity of collaboration in today?s information society as well as the view that reading and sports could make a good match. Focus is placed on the libraries? perspective and also on the respondents? perceptions and thoughts.

Ropen hörs skalla, samverka alla : En kvalitativ studie om samverkan mellan myndigheter utifrån projektet "Unga vuxna"

On the basis of theoretical knowledge about the complex of problems which can occur in an implementation of a collaboration project, the purpose of this essay is, to examine how representatives on each authority relate to and manage collaboration as a work method, the awareness of problems within the organisations that collaborate, and the preparedness around how to manage problems with collaboration. "Unga vuxna" is a collaboration project between Kalmar county council and all 12 municipalities in the county council. More specifically it is a cooperation project between psychiatry and social services. Theories used in this essay are professor Berth Danermarks studies about collaboration, and social psychologist Jay Hall?s theory about capability.

Barnahus : Samverkansparternas upplevelse av samverkan

Syftet med Barnahus är att barn som misstänkts blivit utsatt för våld eller övergrepp ska i en trygg och barnvänlig miljö förmedla sin upplevelse, samt hjälpa barnet genom stöd och insatser att bemästra utsattheten. Studien grundas på kvalitativa intervjuer som metod. Respondenterna som ingår i studien representerar Socialtjänsten, Polismyndigheten, Åklagarmyndigheten, Barnkliniken och Barn- och ungdomspsykiatrin. Resultatet presenterar samverkansparternas upplevelse av samverkans funktion, fördelar och brister, samt hur barnets rättigheter tillämpas i utredningsprocessen. Resultatet påvisar att respondenterna upplever samverkan i Barnahus som en möjlighet till personlig och yrkesmässig utveckling, och att samverkan över yrkesrollerna är en förutsättning för att tillgodose barnets behov av skydd och trygghet.

Medarbetarskap ? en studie av medarbetarskap i en arkitektbyrå

Companies and organizations recognize the importance of collaboration to develop responsibility and ability of change in the workplace. The concept of collaboration was a relatively new idea in business in the late 1980s. In a Nordic context, collaboration is a traditional approach that companies use successfully for competition, survival and development. Collaborative organizational efforts cover management of committed people who can help companies achieve flexibility, customer loyalty, innovation and economic success on a challenging and competitive market. Many theorists believe that collaboration is the key to integrating technology, financial competence and innovation.

Skolkuratorers samverkan med socialtjänsten : En kvalitativ studie om skolkuratorers upplevelse av samverkan och möjligheten att utveckla samverkan utifrån den egna yrkesrollen

The aim of this study was to investigate how school counselors experienced collaboration with social services and whether they felt they have the ability to improve upon this collaboration. The empirical data consists of qualitative interviews with eight school counselors from public schools, ages 13 to 15, in eight separate municipalities in the Stockholm area. The main results showed that the school counselors recognized the positive benefits from collaboration, but that they in practice experienced difficulties turning this into a high-quality collaboration. The school counselors experienced that due to uncertain expectations in the collaboration it led to unclear distribution of areas of responsibilities. The school counselors expressed small or no possibilities for them to improve upon collaboration but pointed out that higher commitment and a positive attitude are valuable attributes to improving collaboration.

?Var är du?? En studie om virtuella kollaborativa designprocesser i en studiemiljö

The design process of an interaction design student is mostly collaborative and computer oriented. Based on this, it?s hard to believe that we have not yet found a tool that will facilitate our needs. With this in mind, which elements do we need to promote collaboration in a virtual design process? This thesis will include design processes, collaboration, creativity and virtual awareness, amongst others.

Interorganisatorisk styrning av leverantörsrelationer inom lågprismodebranschen: -En fallstudie av lågprismodeföretaget BikBok

This thesis concerns the control of outsourced interorganizational buyer-supplier relationships in the low-price fashion industry. A qualitative case study has been performed on two supplier relationships of a low-price fashion company. By identifying specificities of the industry and relating them to control problems and their implications on control solutions, the thesis has established a relation between industry specific characteristics and the way companies in the industry control their supplier relationships. The analysis is based on a theoretical framework created by Dekker (2004). Amongst other factors, the difficulty to define, quantify and measure the design variables of a fashion good, the high heterogeneity between individual products and the difficulty to predict the trend based demand, create high coordination requirements as well as appropriation concerns solved through extensive formal control.

"Att tända gnistan och få den att flamma upp" : Samverkan mellan lärare och skolbibliotekarier på låg-och mellanstadiet

The aim of this bachelor thesis is to examine the collaboration between school librarians and teachers in primary school, in order to illustrate how the two professions can work together, how they see their own roles and how they look at the other professionals´ roles. We also discuss earlier studies in LIS concerning collaboration between teachers and librarians. The method of investigation is qualitative interviews with practicing school librarians and teachers, we interviewed three school librarians and three teachers from three different schools in the same county.  As a basis of the discussion and analysis Andrew Abbott's theory of professions is used. The thesis shows that collaboration differs between the schools.

Det är ett givande och tagande : Samverkan mellan socialtjänst och skola

The title of this essay is ?Collaboration between social services and schools?. Research shows that many children and youth who are badly treated are not noticed and do not receive the help that they need. This could be due to the lack of collaboration between different authorities and professionals. The purpose of this study is to describe and analyze how the social services and schools are collaborating in terms of children and youth who are badly treated or is at risk of being badly treated and to identify what factors make collaboration possible and hinder it.

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